Terms Of Use

The clinical program of The Company (Preddict.ai Ltd) is a combination of
behavioral therapy, cognitive monitoring and nutritional support including the precise administration of DHEA which has been researched and demonstrated to enhance prospects for successful outcomes. We wish to advise that the recommendations and information provided by The Company does not constitute the practice of medicine, or medical care and that in all cases, the medical care of the patient is the responsibility of the patient’s physician. The recommendations of The Company relating to DHEA are for purposes of nutritional support only within the context of appropriate medical care, including behavioral and other therapy, are subject to the judgment and discretion of the patient’s physician or therapist, and does not constitute drug therapy. Accordingly, The Company makes no representation or warranties with respect to effects or outcomes as a result of its recommendations, and any such are the sole responsibility of the patient’s physician and/or therapist. The recommendations of The Company are made according to its best scientific judgment based upon studies and other information concerning DHEA and its effects. The Company cannot guarantee results, and makes no representations or warranties concerning the likelihood of success, and specifically disclaims any guarantees of success from the use of DHEA according to its recommendation. The services of The Company are informational only; The Company does not sell DHEA or any drug or supplement products, nor does it advise as to brands or manufacturers of any such products. Caregivers are advised to choose products of known and established quality for all their nutritional needs.