Rabbi Eitan Eckstein is one of the world’s foremost experts on addiction. In 1989 he founded Retorno, Psycho-Educational Center for Addiction Rehabilitation in Mexico, and later in Israel. He holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work (Bar Ilan University). He also completed courses in Arbitration (Bar Ilan University), Therapeutic Horseback Riding (Rupin College), AA Administration (Elka Joint), and is a 12 Steps Practitioner (Anti-Drug Authority and Welfare Ministry). Rabbi Eckstein sits on the Israel Board of Addiction Professionals, and is a member of the Committee of the Ministry of Social Affairs for the treatment of youth at risk.
Preddict.ai Team

Rabbi Eitan Eckstein

Prof. Gal Yadid holds a D.Sc. in Neuropharmacology (Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion), an M.Sc. in Neurobiology and Basic Medical Sciences (Hebrew University), and a B.Sc. in Biology (Hebrew University). He is a Professor in the Faculty of Life Science and the head of the Laboratory of Neuropsychopharmacology in the Brain center at Bar-Ilan University. He has chaired many important committees on Neuroscience and Psychobiology and has participated extensively in pharmacological research, particularly in the areas of depression, PTSD, and addiction, with an emphasis on the use of DHEA in the treatment of addiction. He has published over 100 research studies and has been awarded special recognition for scientific contribution by the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry and the Eur. Neuropsychoparmacol Society and won the Annual Prize of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry.
Prof. Gal Yadid

Izik Zollman is the Administrative Director of Retorno. He served for 25 years in the IDF, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. Together with Rabbi Eitan Eckstein, he founded Retorno Psycho-Educational Center for Addiction Rehabilitation, first in Mexico and then in Israel. Izik has a B.A. in general history (University of Tel Aviv).
Izik Zollman

Prof. Shlomo Eckstein holds a Ph.D. in Economics (Harvard University). He is President Emeritus and Professor of Economics at Bar-Ilan University, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Retorno Psycho-Educational Center for Addiction Rehabilitation. He has been a member of the Board of Directors for: Prisoner's Rehabilitation Center; Board of Governors, The Jewish Agency for Israel; Interregional Network on Privatization, United Nations Development Program (UNDP); United Mizrachi Bank, Israel Chemicals, Ltd.; Council for Higher Education; National Council for Research and Development; Executive Committee for the Introduction of Nuclear Power into Israel, Chair of Economic Appraisal Subcommittee; Negev Phosphates, Ltd.; Dead Sea Works, Ltd. He has served as Presidential Consultant to the Presidents of Mexico and Peru and U.N. Committees.
Prof. Shlomo Eckstein

Dr. Rachel Maayan holds a Ph.D. in Endocrinology (Tel Aviv University), an M.Sc. (Bar Ilan University), a B.Sc. in Chemistry (Hebrew University), and a degree in Business and Medical Administration (Tel Aviv University). She is the Head of the Research Team in the Laboratory of Biological psychiatry at Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel Aviv University; Head of Clinical Laboratories, HMO; Section Head of Endocrinology Laboratory, Beilinson Medical Center; prior Head Engineer of Radiation and Air Pollution Section for the Ministry of Health. She has studied and published extensively the DHEA role in Psychiatric disorders and is recognized as a world expert in this field.
Dr. Rachel Maayan

Prof. Avi Weizman holds an M.D. in Psychiatry with a specialty in child and adolescent psychiatry from Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine. He is a professor and researcher in Tel Aviv University and has been awarded many research grants for his outstanding work.
Prof. Avi Weizman

Shlomi Sabag is the director and head of our Legal and Regulation department. He is an attorney and accountant and holds an LLB (Hons.) in Law - Magna Cum Laude, B.A. in Accounting and B.A. in Business Management. In addition to a private law practice, Adv. Sabag worked as an attorney in some of the biggest law firms in Israel. His main field of expertise is in commercial law, and he specializes in transactions and agreements, together with special expertise in the areas of capital market, banking, litigation, and real estate (both legal and business), dealing with leading business clients and governmental transactions in Israel and abroad.
Shlomi Sabag

Dr. Baruch Labok holds an M.D. in Psychiatry (The University for Medicine, Russia). He works extensively with both youth and adults, serving as a specialist in numerous respected psychiatric institutions in Israel and Russia, including Mental Health Clinic, Beit Shemesh; Retorno Psycho-Educational Center for Addiction Rehabilitation; Eitanim Psychiatric Hospital; Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center; Bayit Cham; Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem; Talbiyeh Mental Health Center.
Dr. Baruch